- Correspondence Details
Sent From (Definite): Albert George Dew-Smith, The Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company - 18 Panton St, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB2 1HP, UK
Sent To (Definite): Edward A. Sharpey-Schäfer - University College London, Gower St, Kings Cross, London WC1E 6BT, UKDate: 12 Jan 1880 - Current Holder(s)
Holder (Definite): Cambridge University Library
With reference to your inquiry for an Induction Coil of medium size, we have coils in stock of medium strength (rather stronger perhaps than those usually made in England) with about 3250 Convolutions. They are arranged with a Tuning Fork on the same board, a platinum wire attached to which dips into a Mercury Cup T piece, & permits a flow of water to pass the Mercury from a Mariotte flask. The Tuning Fork we always supply instead of [the] old hammer arrangement.
The cost of the Coil & Fork complete is £6.10.0.
It could be delivered within 7 days from the date of ordering.
If you found that the convolutions were too few in number, more could easily be added afterwards.
Faithfully Yours,
A.G. Dew-Smith. for the Company.'
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Sent from
The Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company
12 Jan 1880
18 Panton St, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB2 1HP, UK
Sent to
Edward A. Sharpey-Schäfer
12 Jan 1880
University College London, Gower St, Kings Cross, London WC1E 6BT, UK
Currently held by
Cambridge University Library
Description:CSI Letter-Book 1 (Dew-Smith) (f. 12)
CSI Archive, Box 1.