- Correspondence Details
Sent From (Definite): Albert George Dew-Smith, The Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company - 18 Panton St, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB2 1HP, UK
Sent To (Definite): William Hay Caldwell - Eastfield, Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH15 2PN, UKDate: 10 Jan 1880 - Current Holder(s)
Holder (Definite): Cambridge University Library
'Your Zeiss' microtome has been this day sent off. It is arranged as was Mr. Heap's and the Screw works without shake until the moveable tube is above the level of the glass plate.
Your previous letter seems to have miscarried as this is the first we have heard of your order. We regret that you should have been inconvenienced by the delay.
The price of the microtome is slightly in advance of the price originally charged for these instriments, as that price was hardly renumerative.
Enclosed please to find Invoice.
Truly Yours, A.G. Dew-Smith
for the Company.
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Sent from
The Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company
10 Jan 1880
18 Panton St, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB2 1HP, UK
Currently held by
Cambridge University Library
Description:CSI letter-book 1 (Dew-Smith) (f. 6)
CSI archive, Box. 1.