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Creators (Definite): William Barnett Warrington; Edwin WilsonDate: 1898
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Cited by
W.B. Warrington, 'On the Structural Alterations observed in Nerve Cells', Journal of Physiology 23 (1-2) (1898), pp. 112-129.
Description:Explanation of Plate I:
'(Drawings made with the camera lucida. Magnification - apochromatic system 3.0 mm. Apert. 1.40. Compensating Oc. 12.)
Fig. 1. A normal anterior cornual cell.
Fig. 2. Anterior cornual cell 14 days after section of the corresponding anterior root.
Fig. 3. A cell from the postero-lateral group of the anterior horn 23 days after section of several posterior roots of the cauda equina.' (129)
Figs. 1-3 in text:
'The nucleolus is well defined. The chromatic masses have completely disappeared from the greater part of the cell, and are localised round the nucleus. It is noteworthy that the Nissl bodies retain their form as discrete inasses, the part of the cell which staius red has a distinctly striated character. In cells generally similar the processes may be present or absent (see plate).' (114)