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Creator (Definite): Edward Waymouth ReidDate: 1893
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Plate XXIII, Journal of Physiology 14 (4-5) (1893). From E. Waymouth Reid, 'Mucin Granules of Myxine'.
Description:Explanation of Plate XXIII:
'Plate XXIII. is a reproduction by photo-mechanical printing of a negative of the mucin granules of Myxine prepared by the cover-glass method with heat and stained with saffranine in absolute alcohol. The double line across the middle of the print represents one of the fibres unwound from a Müller's "thread cell." The photographic data are as follows: Zeiss Apochromatic 2 mm. Homogeneous Immersion lens. Projection ocular No. 4. Linnemann Zircon lamp. Mawson photo-mechanical plate. The scale of micromillimeters is drawn from a photograph of a stage micrometer under the same system of lenses.' (345)
Plate XXIII in text:
'These granules when fresh and protected from pressure are ovoid in shape, but distinctly flattened, colourless, and devoid of structure so far as Zeiss Apochromatic 2 mm. Homogeneous Immersion can resolve.
In size the long axis may vary from 2 to 5 µ the short axis being approximately half the length of the long. The general appearance is seen in Plate XXIII.' (342)
'When fixed as just stated, the granules stain with avidity with methylene blue, but this must be employed in solution in 90 % alcohol, otherwise the granules burst. The coloration is brilliant blue and there is no trace of a rose coloration by yellow or white light.
They may also be stained with saffranine in absolute alcohol and then give the orange red colour described by Paneth (9 ['Paneth. "Uber die secernirenden Zellen des Dünndarnm Epithels." Arch. f. mik. Anat. xxxi. 1888, p. 113.']) for the mucin granules in the goblet cells of the mouse's intestine. Plate XXIII. is a photo. mechanical reproduction of an untouched negative taken from a saffranine stained specimen.' (342)