- Creation
Creators (Definite): Sir Charles Scott Sherrington; The Cambridge Scientific Instrument CompanyDate: 1885
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Cited by
C.S. Sherrington, 'On Secondary and Tertiary Degenerations in the Spinal Cord of the Dog', Journal of Physiology 6 (4-5) (1885), pp. 177-191.
Description:Explanation of figs. 1a-12, Plate IV:
'Plate IV. Brain and cord of dog, in the fifth month after laroe lesion of left hemisphere.
Fig. 1 a. Left hemisphere-the outer broken line marks the limit of adherence of the scar to the thickened dura-mater.
Fig. 1 b. Uninjured right hemisphere.
Fig. 2. Section through pons Varolii.
Fig. 3. " through lower olive.
Fig. 4. " immediately below the pyramidal decussation.
Fig. 5. " below the second cervical nerve.
Fig. 6. " " third " "
Fig. 7. " " fourth " "
Fig. 8. " " fifth " "
Fig. 9. " " seventh " "
Fig. 10. " " sixth dorsal "
Fig. 11. " " tenth " "
Fig. 12. " " twelfth " " ' (190)