- Correspondence Details
Sent From (Definite): William Benjamin CarpenterSent To (Definite): Sir Frank CrispDate: 20 Apr 1885
- Current Holder(s)
Holder (Definite): Wellcome Library
'Dear Mr Crisp,
In conformity with the request contained in your letter of the 17th, I enclose you a Photograph taken in Boston U.S. two years ago, which my friends consider the best representation of my usual aspect than has been thus obtained. I am not a good subject for Photography; my expression, when 'screwed' into position, not being that which is habitual to me. And if the Photo I enclose should not prove suitable for copying by the Photogravure [sic] process, I will make another trial with some London photographer.
Believe me,
Yours faithfully,
William B. Carpenter.'
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Currently held by
Wellcome Library
Description:NB: this letter is pasted into the front matter of a copy of William Benjamin Carpenter, The Microscope and its Revelations (6th ed.) (1881) held by the library as of date of edit.