- Correspondence Details
Sent From (Definite): Sir Charles Scott Sherrington - Liverpool
Sent To (Definite): Sir John Brunner - LondonDate: 7 Nov 1907 - Current Holder(s)
Holder (Definite): University of Liverpool Library: Special Collections and Archives
Describes the 'more practical' approach to teaching that he had witnessed in the States which 'involves more expense but I am convinced turns out their students with on the whole more useful knowledge'. Describes his decision to replace his lectuers with practical classes, the problems of space and resources caused due to the popularity of these classes. Relates his desire to convert a laboratory room for microscopy into a space amenable to the conduct of 'chemical and pure physiological work', cost of c.£100 needed for this, increased cost of classes, the success of his classes on 'the elementary laws of health and the workin gof the body to School Teachers' - his desire to introduce a practical element to these also.
Scan of original letter, reproduced with permission of the University of Liverpool Library
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University of Liverpool Library: Special Collections and Archives
University of Liverpool Library: Special Collections & Archives