- Correspondence Details
Sent From (Definite): Sir Charles Scott Sherrington - Liverpool
Sent To (Definite): Harvey Williams Cushing - Baltimore, MDDate: 22 Jan 1902 - Current Holder(s)
Still worried about package of things, including slides, for Cushing's lecture. Will write up results with Gruenbaum. Wishes to use Cushing's name as observer, asks for his help in finding a better post for Macdonald.
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Cited by
T. Quick, 'Disciplining Physiological Psychology: Cinematographs as Epistemic Devices, 1897-1922', Science in Context 30 (4), pp. 423-474.
Description:'Perhaps unsurprisingly given his physical physiological commitments, Sherrington invested significantly in Macdonald's research. [See e.g. letter from C.S. Sherrington to H. Cushing dated January 22 1902 and C.S. Sherrington to H. Cushing dated July 7 1905 (Sherrington Collection, Box WCG 1-37. WCG 32.6 and WCG 32.13). This investment has been little-noticed: for example Smith's major study of the term does not address Macdonald's work. Cf. Swazey 1969, 73-74.']'
Relevant passage from Sherrington:
'Macdonald, whom you remember here deserves a better place than ours. I should miss him for he is an excellent physiologist and a good fellow - but his stipend here is too small to suport him, & he has very slender means. I mention this not by his request or indeed with his knowledge - in order that if you do happen to know of any post he may obtain you may kindly let me hear. The poorness of his prospect financially worries me a good deal. I could recommend highly for a physiology appointment.'