- Correspondence Details
Sent From (Definite): Sir Charles Scott Sherrington - Liverpool
Sent To (Definite): Edward A. Sharpey-Schäfer - EdinburghDate: 8 Jul 1907 - Current Holder(s)
Holder (Possible): University of Liverpool Library: Special Collections and Archives
Attendence of Vienna conference, recommendations re: new journal, relative status of anatomy/physiology.
Indicates that he is happy for Schafer to associate his name with 'the new journal', but that he 'would have preferred you starting something fresh altogether'. Comments that physiology has 'suffered much in prestige... from being constantly dragged at the tail of Anatomy'. That the anatomists wish to resuscitate the Journal of Anatomy and Physiology to maintain their superior position, and that there is a need to establish a physiological journal that is 'quite independent in name as in fact from the mediaeval [sic] "Anatomy"', that anatomy is 'radically outworn + unscientific, + better left to drop down to the 'technical' status alone proper to it.'
Photocopy of original letter, reproduced with permission of the University of Liverpool Library
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University of Liverpool Library: Special Collections and Archives
University of Liverpool Library: Special Collections & Archives