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Sagittal section of the brain stem and cerebellum, a little distance from the median plane. The section passes through the medial part of one cerebellar hemisphere from which the superior cerebellar peduncle (S.C.P.) can be seen emerging on its way to the red nucleus and thalamus of the opposite side. The medial border of the dentate nucleus (from which the fibres of the superior peduncle arise) is seen in the central white matter of the cerebellar hemisphere. Below is the olivary nucleus (Ol), and in front of this the pons (P). Fasciculi of pyramidal tract fibres are seen streaming through the pons from the cerebral peduncle above and in front. Notice also the optic chiasma (Ch), the red nucleus (R), and the superior and inferior corpora quadrigemina (S.C. & I.C.).
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