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- Born
Date: 13 May 1902
- Died
Date: 16 Jul 1974
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13 May 1902
16 Jul 1974
Recipient of
Telegram: 'Commonwealth Relations Office to U.K. High Commissioner in Pakistan,' 3rd May, 1955 (DO 35/8641).
3 May 1955
No export license appears to be necessary but B.O.A.C. have had to cancel air space, and diversion of plane to Dacca, as shippers, East Pakistan Development Corporation, have disappeared.'
Medical Research Council have asked for urgent help in securing export licenses for consignment of 300 rhesus monkeys from Dacca on 6th May.
2. Monkeys are being imported by Messrs. Zoologico, 65, Preston Road, Brighton who are approved agents of Medical Research Council. Exporters as East Pakistan Development Corporation, 195 Nawabar Road, Dacca. Monkeys have already been concentrated in Dacca and special arrangements made with B.O.A.C. for transport from Dacca by freighter on 6th May. Most urgent therefore that export licenses be obtained in time or whole exercise will fall through.
3. Monkeys are required for medical research purposes principally for urgent production of polio vaccine. We hope that no difficulty will be raised in the circumstances in securing the necessary export permit.
Recipient of
Telegram: 'Commonwealth Relations Office to U.K. High Commissioner in Pakistan,' 9th May, 1955 (DO 35/8641).
9 May 1955
No. 679 SECRET
Following is background. Indian Government prohibited free export of monkeys in March 1955 and introduced licensing system whose conditions include certification for purpose for which monkeys are required. Applications on behalf of Medical Research Council (MRC) and Ministry of Supply for immediate and foreseeable needs until end 1955 are now with Indian Government but delays resulting from Indian decision have resulted in temporary crisis in supply.
2. Purposes for which MRC and Ministry of Supply require monkeys are as follows
(a) MRC
(1) Medical research e.g. safety testing of supplies of U.S. manufactured polio vaccine.
(2) Supply of monkeys to U.K. houses who are undertaking manufacture of polio vaccine.
(b) Ministry of Supply. Research with object of medical protection for civilian and military personnel against special hazards of war and experiments into diseases which may be intentionally transmitted by an enemy. All such experiments as those on all living animals in United Kingdom are regulated by Home Office under Cruelty to Animals Act 1876 and tightly controlled by licensing and inspections. Only experiments permitted are those performed with a view to the advancement by new discovery of physiological knowledge, or of knowledge which will be useful in saving or prolonging life or alleviating suffering.
3. Hughes of Zoologico is flying to Dacca on 9th to investigate failure of first assignment and now has orders, both from MRC and Ministry of Supply. From Dacca telegram No. 56 is appears that no export license will be required. We consider it advisable, subject to your views that position in regard to Ministry of Supply requirements should at this stage be explained confidentially to Pakistan authorities. Reason why MRC and Ministry of Supply have both been made separately to Indian authorities is that there is a possibility that Indians may object to defense aspect and slight military flavour of Ministry of Supply purposes. While we do not expect Pakistanis to have the same prejudice consider that there would be advantage in making position clear from the outset.
4. Supply of monkeys for medical research has attracted considerable public and press interest in India. Desirable that supply from Pakistan should secure least possible publicity. Need for discretion in this respect has been emphasised to Hughes. You should not of course enlarge on temporary hold up of Indian supplies to Pakistanis.'