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Sent From (Definite): National Institute for Medical ResearchSent To (Definite): J.D. WhittakerDate: 2 Oct 1947
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Sent from
National Institute for Medical Research
2 Oct 1947
Description:'Dear Whittaker,
Parkes has called my attention to the fact that the war-time arrangement whereby monkeys have been stored at the Institute for allocation and issue to other centres is still continuing and now seems no longer to be necessary. We should be glad to be rid of this obligation if possible, and the suggestion is that new arrangements might be made as follows:
a) That all requests for monkeys coming to the M.R.C. should be passed to the Laboratory Animals Bureau (as requests for other animals certainly will be).
b) That the Laboratory Animals Bureau should also be open to receive requests for monkeys directly, from individuals or institutions, including Hampstead.
c) That the Laboratory Animals Bureau should be open to receive notifications of surplus or turn-out monkeys, and should ascertain from time to time what animals are available from dealers.
d) That the Laboratory Animals Bureau should co-ordinate supply and demand, and should be responsible for arranging importations as necessary, preferably through dealers, or through the M.R.C. if an official route is necessary.
e) That where the supply is obtainable by the Laboratory Animals Bureau is inadequate the Bureau should allocate the available materials.
f) That macaques held by the Laboratory Animals Bureau pending distribution should be boarded at one of the several zoos known to be willing to take them, or, in the case of monkeys less acceptable to zoos or which must be kept away from the public, at dealers.
I have discussed this matter with Mr. Glover and he is favourable to the suggestions which are now made. I should be glad therefore if you would discuss the matter with him and let me know how soon these projected arrangements can be put into operation.
Yours sincerely,
C.R. Hanie[??] Wm.[???]'
Sent to
J.D. Whittaker
2 Oct 1947
Description:'Dear Whittaker,
Parkes has called my attention to the fact that the war-time arrangement whereby monkeys have been stored at the Institute for allocation and issue to other centres is still continuing and now seems no longer to be necessary. We should be glad to be rid of this obligation if possible, and the suggestion is that new arrangements might be made as follows:
a) That all requests for monkeys coming to the M.R.C. should be passed to the Laboratory Animals Bureau (as requests for other animals certainly will be).
b) That the Laboratory Animals Bureau should also be open to receive requests for monkeys directly, from individuals or institutions, including Hampstead.
c) That the Laboratory Animals Bureau should be open to receive notifications of surplus or turn-out monkeys, and should ascertain from time to time what animals are available from dealers.
d) That the Laboratory Animals Bureau should co-ordinate supply and demand, and should be responsible for arranging importations as necessary, preferably through dealers, or through the M.R.C. if an official route is necessary.
e) That where the supply is obtainable by the Laboratory Animals Bureau is inadequate the Bureau should allocate the available materials.
f) That macaques held by the Laboratory Animals Bureau pending distribution should be boarded at one of the several zoos known to be willing to take them, or, in the case of monkeys less acceptable to zoos or which must be kept away from the public, at dealers.
I have discussed this matter with Mr. Glover and he is favourable to the suggestions which are now made. I should be glad therefore if you would discuss the matter with him and let me know how soon these projected arrangements can be put into operation.
Yours sincerely,
C.R. Hanie[??] Wm.[???]'