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Creator (Definite): Medical Research CouncilDate: 9 Dec 1949
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Medical Research Council
9 Dec 1949
5. Monkeys.
During 1949 the Bureau had set up an organisation for collecting and sending to the United Kingdom supplies of monkeys from West Africa. Some 35 monkeys had been received in this country this year: these included 18 baboons, 10 green monkeys, 6 red monkeys and 1 colobus. The average price delivered to the laboratory had worked out at £5.6.8. per monkey including the cost of crates, which were expensive and therefore should be returnable, but excluding any allowance for the capital expenditure in setting up the organisation in West Africa. A copy of the report by J.K. Irons, who had gone out to the Gambia for this purpose, was offered to the Meeting.'