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Sent From (Definite): Malcolm John MacDonaldSent To (Definite): Alexander Frederick Douglas-HomeDate: 28 Apr 1958
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Sent from
Malcolm John MacDonald
28 Apr 1958
[Starred Question No. 1604, answered in the Lok Sabha on 11th April:]
[Starred Question No. 1604, answered in the Lok Sabha on 11th April:]
* 1604. SHRI D.C. SHARMA: Will the Minister of Commerce and Industry be pleased to state:
(a) the number of monkeys exported to foreign countries during 1957-58 for the purpose of scientific research; and
(b) the amount of foreign exchange earned?
(a) 1,28,261 during April-October, 1957. Figures for later months are not yet available.
(b) Rs 86,01,051.
Uncorrected - not for publication
Uncorrected - not for publication
SHRI D.C. SHARMA: To what countries are these exported?
SHRI KANUNGO: These are exported to such countries which provide ample satisfaction to the Government of India that the animals are used only for scientific purposes. The countries usually are: USA, UK, West Germany, Denmark, Australia, Canada, Sweden and a few others.
SHRI WODEYAR: May I know whether the monkeys exported from India to the foreign countries have proved worthy of scientific research?
SHRI KANUNGO: This particular variety is the only variety which could be used for the purpose.
SHRI V.P. NAYAR: May I know whether it is a fact that recently Government had banned the export of monkeys which weigh below 6 lbs. and if so, whether the Government had arrived at any decision after consultation with any of the Indian authorities whether such exports should be continued or prevented having regard to the fact that monkeys of all weights are used for the purpose of medical research?
SHRI KANUNGO: This restriction had been imposed as a result of the recommendation of a committee which was appointed by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture.
SHRI GORAY: What is the average price that a monkey fetches?
SHRI KANUNGO: About Rs. 80 to Rs. 100 per monkey.'
Sent to
Alexander Frederick Douglas-Home
28 Apr 1958
[Starred Question No. 1604, answered in the Lok Sabha on 11th April:]
[Starred Question No. 1604, answered in the Lok Sabha on 11th April:]
* 1604. SHRI D.C. SHARMA: Will the Minister of Commerce and Industry be pleased to state:
(a) the number of monkeys exported to foreign countries during 1957-58 for the purpose of scientific research; and
(b) the amount of foreign exchange earned?
(a) 1,28,261 during April-October, 1957. Figures for later months are not yet available.
(b) Rs 86,01,051.
Uncorrected - not for publication
Uncorrected - not for publication
SHRI D.C. SHARMA: To what countries are these exported?
SHRI KANUNGO: These are exported to such countries which provide ample satisfaction to the Government of India that the animals are used only for scientific purposes. The countries usually are: USA, UK, West Germany, Denmark, Australia, Canada, Sweden and a few others.
SHRI WODEYAR: May I know whether the monkeys exported from India to the foreign countries have proved worthy of scientific research?
SHRI KANUNGO: This particular variety is the only variety which could be used for the purpose.
SHRI V.P. NAYAR: May I know whether it is a fact that recently Government had banned the export of monkeys which weigh below 6 lbs. and if so, whether the Government had arrived at any decision after consultation with any of the Indian authorities whether such exports should be continued or prevented having regard to the fact that monkeys of all weights are used for the purpose of medical research?
SHRI KANUNGO: This restriction had been imposed as a result of the recommendation of a committee which was appointed by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture.
SHRI GORAY: What is the average price that a monkey fetches?
SHRI KANUNGO: About Rs. 80 to Rs. 100 per monkey.'