- Correspondence Details
Sent From (Definite): Malcolm John MacDonaldSent To (Definite): Commonwealth Relations OfficeDate: 1 Mar 1958
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Sent from
Malcolm John MacDonald
1 Mar 1958
My No. 322 paragraph 5.
New regulations state. Begins.
Only five monkeys each weighing six pounds and above will be allowed to be put in a crate or container the overall dimensions of which are 36 inches long, 19 inches high and 18 inches deep inclusive of duckboard flooring a removable food and water tray and also a removable droppings tray.
Incorporation of floorings and removable trays presumably reduces space available for animals and is reason for new limitation on number per cage. Question on which Royal Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals might advise is whether floorings and trays are necessary and if they are whether restriction to five occupants is justified.'
Sent to
Commonwealth Relations Office
1 Mar 1958
My No. 322 paragraph 5.
New regulations state. Begins.
Only five monkeys each weighing six pounds and above will be allowed to be put in a crate or container the overall dimensions of which are 36 inches long, 19 inches high and 18 inches deep inclusive of duckboard flooring a removable food and water tray and also a removable droppings tray.
Incorporation of floorings and removable trays presumably reduces space available for animals and is reason for new limitation on number per cage. Question on which Royal Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals might advise is whether floorings and trays are necessary and if they are whether restriction to five occupants is justified.'