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Sent From (Definite): G.L. SimmonsSent To (Definite): J.R. CrossDate: 9 Jun 1955
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Sent from
G.L. Simmons
9 Jun 1955
No. 1601/5/1
6. A certain amount of difficulty attaches to Glaxo acting as permanent agent for the total United Kingdom demand. In fact when the Medical Research Council had a meeting some time ago with Glaxo and Burroughs Wellcome, they did suggest to Glaxo (as being the only firm having Indian agents), that they should take this on, but Glaxo's reaction was not very encouraging. Their job, they said, was to export pharmaceuticals and not to trade in livestock. There was also some complication about their head office being in Bombay. In the long term too, there might be some difficulty over employing one commercial concern to act as agent for their own imports and for those of others...
Sent to
J.R. Cross
9 Jun 1955
No. 1601/5/1
6. A certain amount of difficulty attaches to Glaxo acting as permanent agent for the total United Kingdom demand. In fact when the Medical Research Council had a meeting some time ago with Glaxo and Burroughs Wellcome, they did suggest to Glaxo (as being the only firm having Indian agents), that they should take this on, but Glaxo's reaction was not very encouraging. Their job, they said, was to export pharmaceuticals and not to trade in livestock. There was also some complication about their head office being in Bombay. In the long term too, there might be some difficulty over employing one commercial concern to act as agent for their own imports and for those of others...