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[G.L. Simmons] to W. Thomson, 31st May, 1956 (DO 35/8639).
Description:'Mr Thomson
At (121) is a half-baked letter from the Ministry of Agriculture, asking us to consider making representations to the Indian and Pakistan Govts. on
a) the enforcement of acclimatisation periods for animals to be exported.
b) the provision of hostels for animals en route.
These proposals were made by the RSCPA at a meeting with govt. reps on 12 Nov. There is no indication that the Min. of Agriculture suggest[?] these proposals are desirable or necessary. I see the experts at the meeting from the Min. of Agriculture and the Min. of Health expressed grave doubts about acclimatization periods.
I do not feel the High Commission have any locus standi to make representations to the Indian and Pak. Govts - unless UK interests are directly involved. The monkeys are not UK citizens!
I submit a draft.