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Sent From (Definite): Malcolm John MacDonaldSent To (Definite): Commonwealth Relations OfficeDate: 30 Dec 1955
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Sent from
Malcolm John MacDonald
30 Dec 1955
Government of India
Radya Sabha
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Starred question No. 343
To be answered on the 19th December, 1955
No. 343. Shrimati Violet Alva: Will the Minister for Commerce and Industry be pleased to state whether it is a fact that Dr. Lane Petter [sic] of the British Medical Council is visiting India to get some animals for research laboratories in the U.K.
Shri D.P. Karmarkar (Minister for Commerce)
No, Sir. Government have no information.
Shrimati Violet Alva: May I know, Sir, whether the Minister is aware that just a few days back in the House of Commons, Mr. Ian MacLeod, the British Health Minister, stated that the great majority of the monkeys which arrive in London were for transhipment to other countries? Is that statement corroborated; and, if so, which country they do [sic] to via London?
Shri D.P. Karmarkar: The export of monkeys to counties?
Shrimati Violet Alva: Yes.
Shri D.P. Karmarkar: Principally the United States of America.
Shrimati Violet Alva: I do not think that the hon. Minister has understood me. They go to U.K. and here is a statement made by the Health Minister of England that the majority of the monkeys which arrive in London were for transhipment to other countries. Is that statement corroborated?
Shri D.P. Karmarkar: No, Sir, we are not in a position to corroborate it. But it is a fact that a certain number goes to the U.K. This year, from January to October 1955, for instance, 4452 monkeys were sent to the U.K. I am not aware whether it is sent from there to other countries.
Shrimati Violet Alva: May I know whether Dr. Lane Petter is in India now for some time?
Shri D.P. Karmarkar: I am thankful to the hon. Member, because it gives me an opportunity to explain. Dr. Petter came to discuss the conditions under which monkeys are being transported. For instance, one of our conditions says that non-perishable foodstuff (mixed grains-maize, gram, groundnuts, etc) should be provided. Now, Dr. Petter enquired whether gram along [sic] would not do or whether we would insist on a mixture of grains. There was also a discussion about green vegetables being given. He said that the plane took only 48 hours and asked whether it would not be sufficient to give green vegetables at the stoppages wherever the plane stopped and things like that. The size of the cage and all that was discussed. He promised to send a detailed note which will be examined by the Health Ministry when it comes.'
Sent to
Commonwealth Relations Office
30 Dec 1955
Government of India
Radya Sabha
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Starred question No. 343
To be answered on the 19th December, 1955
No. 343. Shrimati Violet Alva: Will the Minister for Commerce and Industry be pleased to state whether it is a fact that Dr. Lane Petter [sic] of the British Medical Council is visiting India to get some animals for research laboratories in the U.K.
Shri D.P. Karmarkar (Minister for Commerce)
No, Sir. Government have no information.
Shrimati Violet Alva: May I know, Sir, whether the Minister is aware that just a few days back in the House of Commons, Mr. Ian MacLeod, the British Health Minister, stated that the great majority of the monkeys which arrive in London were for transhipment to other countries? Is that statement corroborated; and, if so, which country they do [sic] to via London?
Shri D.P. Karmarkar: The export of monkeys to counties?
Shrimati Violet Alva: Yes.
Shri D.P. Karmarkar: Principally the United States of America.
Shrimati Violet Alva: I do not think that the hon. Minister has understood me. They go to U.K. and here is a statement made by the Health Minister of England that the majority of the monkeys which arrive in London were for transhipment to other countries. Is that statement corroborated?
Shri D.P. Karmarkar: No, Sir, we are not in a position to corroborate it. But it is a fact that a certain number goes to the U.K. This year, from January to October 1955, for instance, 4452 monkeys were sent to the U.K. I am not aware whether it is sent from there to other countries.
Shrimati Violet Alva: May I know whether Dr. Lane Petter is in India now for some time?
Shri D.P. Karmarkar: I am thankful to the hon. Member, because it gives me an opportunity to explain. Dr. Petter came to discuss the conditions under which monkeys are being transported. For instance, one of our conditions says that non-perishable foodstuff (mixed grains-maize, gram, groundnuts, etc) should be provided. Now, Dr. Petter enquired whether gram along [sic] would not do or whether we would insist on a mixture of grains. There was also a discussion about green vegetables being given. He said that the plane took only 48 hours and asked whether it would not be sufficient to give green vegetables at the stoppages wherever the plane stopped and things like that. The size of the cage and all that was discussed. He promised to send a detailed note which will be examined by the Health Ministry when it comes.'