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Sent From (Definite): F.H.K. GreenSent To (Definite): Chintaman Govind PanditDate: 3 Aug 1955
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Sent from
F.H.K. Green
3 Aug 1955
Description:'Dear Dr. Pandit,
I enclose two copies of a memorandum setting out the unanimous recommendations of the conference, and we shall be grateful if you will kindly bring this document to the attention of those in the Government of India who you think would be interested. Copies are also being sent officially to the Government of India through the Commonwealth Relations Office and the U.K. High Commissioner in Delhi.
The recommendations are being adopted by all British air lines concerned with the transport of monkeys, and we believe that their adoption will do much to ameliorate the lot of these animals in transport and will certainly prevent any recurrence of such an accident as occurred at London Airport early in the year. We are sending the recommendations also to representatives of the United States Government, in the hope that the American exporting authorities and the American air lines concerned may be willing to take similar action.
As a further step towards facilitating the export of monkeys to this country under the best possible conditions, the Medical Research Council propose to send Dr. Lane-Petter to India (by air) towards the end of September for a visit of about three months' duration. He hopes to call upon you on his arrival in Delhi, and we shall be very grateful for any advice or assistance you may be able to give him.
With kind regards
Yours sincerely
(Signed) F.H.K. Green
Principal Medical Officer
P.S. Copies of the illustration of a satisfactory monkey cage, mentioned in the memorandum, were not ready at the time when I dictated this letter, but we will send them to you as soon as they come to hand.'
Sent to
Chintaman Govind Pandit
3 Aug 1955
Description:'Dear Dr. Pandit,
I enclose two copies of a memorandum setting out the unanimous recommendations of the conference, and we shall be grateful if you will kindly bring this document to the attention of those in the Government of India who you think would be interested. Copies are also being sent officially to the Government of India through the Commonwealth Relations Office and the U.K. High Commissioner in Delhi.
The recommendations are being adopted by all British air lines concerned with the transport of monkeys, and we believe that their adoption will do much to ameliorate the lot of these animals in transport and will certainly prevent any recurrence of such an accident as occurred at London Airport early in the year. We are sending the recommendations also to representatives of the United States Government, in the hope that the American exporting authorities and the American air lines concerned may be willing to take similar action.
As a further step towards facilitating the export of monkeys to this country under the best possible conditions, the Medical Research Council propose to send Dr. Lane-Petter to India (by air) towards the end of September for a visit of about three months' duration. He hopes to call upon you on his arrival in Delhi, and we shall be very grateful for any advice or assistance you may be able to give him.
With kind regards
Yours sincerely
(Signed) F.H.K. Green
Principal Medical Officer
P.S. Copies of the illustration of a satisfactory monkey cage, mentioned in the memorandum, were not ready at the time when I dictated this letter, but we will send them to you as soon as they come to hand.'