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Creator (Definite): Commonwealth Relations OfficeDate: Apr 1955
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Commonwealth Relations Office
Apr 1955
Description:'Poliomyelitis Vaccine
Production and Supply
1. There are two possible sources of supply in the United Kingdom at present - Glaxo Laboratories and Burroughs, Wellcome. The main production difficulties appear to be (a) suitable premises, (b) equipment (c) qualified staff and (d) supply of monkeys.
2. Glaxo have already made pilot batches of vaccine - quantity unstated. Part of this has been supplied to the M.R.C. (5 litres) and part to Iceland (10 litres). They have also produced sufficient virus to make 150 litres of vaccine which should be available about the end of June. Testing of this will take to end of September. After that they hope to be producing vaccine at a rate of 150 litres a month from about August, subject to availability of monkeys (production at this level needs 60 monkeys a week). Later in 1955 they could be producing at 300 litres a month if required - again subject to monkeys being available. All these figures are subject to confirmation and are probably optimistic.
3. Burroughs, Wellcome, are preparing temporary accommodation and equipment for vaccine production. This should be ready by August but vaccine is unlikely to be available before the Autumn of 1955 - probably later. The anticipated rate of production may be sufficient to provide for [+/-] 1 million courses annually - say 200 litres a month. Only 60 litres will be available in 1955 (November and December). They intend to build a new virus centre, which will not be ready before the summer of 1956. When this has been completed they may be able to expand output to 500 litres a month, if required. These figures are also subject to confirmation.
5. Imports. The vaccine may be imported under Open General License from all countries except dollar countries. Imports from dollar countries must be licensed individually by the Board of Trade. A T.S.A. import license is necessary in all cases. Two applications have already been made (a) by Parke, Davis to import from the U.S.A. as para. 4 above, for retail sale in this country, delivery in 6 months (b) by the International Serum Co. for a T.S.A. license to import from Germany. The Parkes, Davis application was made some time before the U.S. Government placed export controls on the vaccine.
6. Exports. No license is needed to export the vaccine. Glaxo are understood to be committed to send 60 litres in all to Iceland ...
7. Monkeys. The supply difficulties are due mainly to reluctance of Indian government to license export of monkeys. All the American firms are cooperating with vaccine producers in other countries for the available monkeys and for export licenses. Representations to the Indian Government - possibly through the High Commissioner - may be necessary if supplies of monkeys to Glaxo and Burroughs, Wellcome are to be ensured.