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Sent From (Definite): Malcolm John MacDonaldSent To (Definite): Commonwealth Relations Office
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Sent from
Malcolm John MacDonald
Your telegram No. 767.
4. Prospects of securing permission to export monkeys for work in connection with defense are at the moment dim. It is not merely a question of ensuring humane treatment but of also of political complications. Any approach to Government of India on this aspect will have to be most carefully considered, made at a high level and justified, if possible, on grounds of protection of civilians. Following is extract from reply by Commerce and Industry Minister to Parliamentary Question on this subject, full text of which follows by Bag.
"Since the responsibility for allowing the export of monkeys devolves on the Government of India, that responsibility will be discharged with due regard to all international codes in this matter. I might add that I have been assured by responsible people that monkeys are not used for any purpose other than medical research and this assurance has been given by one of the foremost scientists of India who knows all it is worthwhile knowing about atomic energy - Dr. Bhabha - that monkeys are not being used for that purpose". Ends.'
Sent to
Commonwealth Relations Office
Your telegram No. 767.
4. Prospects of securing permission to export monkeys for work in connection with defense are at the moment dim. It is not merely a question of ensuring humane treatment but of also of political complications. Any approach to Government of India on this aspect will have to be most carefully considered, made at a high level and justified, if possible, on grounds of protection of civilians. Following is extract from reply by Commerce and Industry Minister to Parliamentary Question on this subject, full text of which follows by Bag.
"Since the responsibility for allowing the export of monkeys devolves on the Government of India, that responsibility will be discharged with due regard to all international codes in this matter. I might add that I have been assured by responsible people that monkeys are not used for any purpose other than medical research and this assurance has been given by one of the foremost scientists of India who knows all it is worthwhile knowing about atomic energy - Dr. Bhabha - that monkeys are not being used for that purpose". Ends.'