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Sent From (Probable): Malcolm John MacDonaldSent To (Definite): Alexander Frederick Douglas-HomeDate: 31 Aug 1955
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Sent from
Malcolm John MacDonald
31 Aug 1955
Description:'No. 1392 (1022/15)
The High Commissioner for the United Kingdom in India presents his compliments to the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations and has the honour to transmit herewith copies of the undermentioned documents.
Name and date
Starred question No. 315 and answer given in Lok Sabha on 2nd August, 1955.
Export of Monkeys'
[attached to above: Starred question No. 315 and answer given in Lok Sabha on 2nd August, 1955.]
Unstarred question No. 290
To be answered on the 10th August, 1955.
Export of Monkeys
SHRI IBRAHIM: Will the Minister of Commerce and Industry be pleased to state:
(a) the number of monkeys exported to foreign countries during the period from January to June, 1955; and
(b) the names of the countries to which they have been exported.
(a) 72,884 monkeys
(b) United States of America
United Kingdom
West Germany
Statement referred to in reply to Parts (a) and (b) of Starred Question No. 315 by SHRI M.L. DWIVENDI, SHRI RADHA RAMAN, SHRI N. RACHIAH, SHRIMATI IIA[?] PALCHOUDHURY, SHRI RAM DAS & SHRI M. ISLAMUDDIN to be answered in the Lok Sabha on the 2nd August, 1955.
(a) No. of monkeys exported
Year No.
1950 23,013
1951 14,615
1952 7,954
1953 17,329
1954 68,358
1955 (up to 30.6.55) 72,884
(b) U.S.A.
The value of our annual exports to U.S.A. since 1950 and the average price realised for monkeys is as follows:
Year Value of the Monkey exported Rs. Average price per. Monkey Rs.
1950 1,43,929 6,9
1951 1,18,464 10,4
1952 70,764 17,6
1953 2,27,540 16,6
1954 11,57,974 18,5
1955 (up to 30.6.55) 13,38,573 20,6'
Sent to
Alexander Frederick Douglas-Home
31 Aug 1955
Description:'No. 1392 (1022/15)
The High Commissioner for the United Kingdom in India presents his compliments to the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations and has the honour to transmit herewith copies of the undermentioned documents.
Name and date
Starred question No. 315 and answer given in Lok Sabha on 2nd August, 1955.
Export of Monkeys'
[attached to above: Starred question No. 315 and answer given in Lok Sabha on 2nd August, 1955.]
Unstarred question No. 290
To be answered on the 10th August, 1955.
Export of Monkeys
SHRI IBRAHIM: Will the Minister of Commerce and Industry be pleased to state:
(a) the number of monkeys exported to foreign countries during the period from January to June, 1955; and
(b) the names of the countries to which they have been exported.
(a) 72,884 monkeys
(b) United States of America
United Kingdom
West Germany
Statement referred to in reply to Parts (a) and (b) of Starred Question No. 315 by SHRI M.L. DWIVENDI, SHRI RADHA RAMAN, SHRI N. RACHIAH, SHRIMATI IIA[?] PALCHOUDHURY, SHRI RAM DAS & SHRI M. ISLAMUDDIN to be answered in the Lok Sabha on the 2nd August, 1955.
(a) No. of monkeys exported
Year No.
1950 23,013
1951 14,615
1952 7,954
1953 17,329
1954 68,358
1955 (up to 30.6.55) 72,884
(b) U.S.A.
The value of our annual exports to U.S.A. since 1950 and the average price realised for monkeys is as follows:
Year Value of the Monkey exported Rs. Average price per. Monkey Rs.
1950 1,43,929 6,9
1951 1,18,464 10,4
1952 70,764 17,6
1953 2,27,540 16,6
1954 11,57,974 18,5
1955 (up to 30.6.55) 13,38,573 20,6'