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A Short History of the RSPCA Animal Hostel at London Airport. Pt. 2: International Activities.
Description:'RSPCA officials encouraged these bans, sending letters to Indian government officials whenever they heard of new moves against the trade.'
From original:
31st December, 1964:
'18. Animal Welfare Board, India; Export of animals for experimentation.
The following resolution passed by the Animal Welfare Board was reported:-
"The Animal Welfare Board views with great concern the growing trade of exporting live animals, e.g. monkeys and others, for purposes of vivisection, which involves great cruelties and torture and feels that this export trade, besides being highly inhumane, is inconsistent with the ideals and traditions of Indian culture and degrades the country in the estimation of international humanitarians. The Board, therefore, requests the Government of India to ban the export of monkeys and other animals so as to put an end to the cruelties involved in their capture, transportation and use in foreign countries for experimentation purposes".' (f. 22)