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G.W. Merck, 'Historical Report of War Research Service', Nov. 1944. National Academy of Sciences Archives. Committees on Biological Warfare. Box 5 Series 4: War Research Service.
Description:'Early Steps Taken by the U.S. Government in Relation to B.W.
Before there was any unification of activity in b.w. several United States Government groups considered this subject independently and their efforts form the logical beginning of any narrative.
Independent of this early activity of the United States Public Health Service, the Office of the Surgeon General, USA, was also concerned with the possibility of b.w. particularly with reference to the protection of United States troops. G-2 had also been exploring the subject and at the same time, the Chemical Warfare Service had entered the field and had directed a small group of officers to study the possibilities of b.w. (See Section II, pp. 3-4.)' (f. 13)