Related to
G.W. Merck, 'Historical Report of War Research Service', Nov. 1944. National Academy of Sciences Archives. Committees on Biological Warfare. Box 5 Series 4: War Research Service.
This report consists of a description of the measures taken by the United States Government in dealing with the general subject of biological warfare (b.w.), particularly those concerning the formation and activities of the War Research Service.
[note: '- Upon liquidation of War Research Service on June 30, 1944, the Director was appointed a Consultant to the Secretary of War on Biological Warfare. Documents dealing with these latter phases of the work which continued under his general direction are as follows:
1. A report dated October 31, 1945, to the Secretary of War entitled "Activities of the United States in the Field of Biological Warfare", by George W. Merck.
2. Final report, dated October 31, 1945, to the U.S.B.W. Committee, by George W. Merck, Chairman.
3. That portion of the history of Chemical Warfare Service concerning the activities of the Special Projects Division. (Now being compiled.).
This material can be found in the files of the Secretary of War.']
For ease of reading and purposes of documentation, this survey is divided into three parts:
Section I. A brief history of defensive and offensive studies of b.w., including particularly the activities of the secret agency, War Research Service, as set up by Presidential directive. This section is intended primarily to orient the general reader, acquainting him with the more complex phases of the field.
Section II. A more comprehensive narration dealing in fuller detail with the researches of War Research Service and with the various committees and government agencies that cooperated. The reader of Section I may refer to Section II for a more lengthy account of the activities in which he may be interested.
Section III. This section, the appendix, consists of official documents suitably tabulated upon which Section I and II are based.
For convenience, Section I has been annotated to refer to Section II and Section II has been annotated to refer to the source material in Section III. Thus the notes in Section I and II will lead directly to the source.' (f. 6)
August 26, 1942 - War Research Service established in Federal Security Agency. George W. Merck appointed Director.
October 16, 1942 - ABC Committee appointed by National Academy of Sciences and National Research Council at request of War Research Service.
December 4, 1942 - General Styer delivers verbal directive to General Porter, Chemical Warfare Service, re CWS collaboration with WRS on B.W. research projects.
March 31, 1943 October 29, 1943 - War Research Service requests Chemical Warfare Service to carry on supplemental research and development on a total of eight projects.
December 18, 1943 - War Research Service writes Secretary of War asking permission to request Chemical Warfare Service to manufacture and stockpile certain B.W. agents.
January 13, 1944 - Secretary of War issues directive giving Chemical Warfare Service responsibility for large part of B.W. weapons program with the cooperation of the Surgeon General in defensive matters, and redefining the responsibilities of WRS.
June 30, 1944 [to] August 31, 1944 - War Research Service is liquidated. War Department assumes responsibility for all B.W. work.' (ff. 8-10)