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Sent From (Definite): Percy George ShuteSent To (Definite): Thomas CarnwathDate: 12 Aug 1937
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Holder (Definite): The National Archives (UK)
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Sent from
Percy George Shute
12 Aug 1937
Description:‘Dear Sir,
As on two previous occasions, I spent some of my annual leave on a study tour in Romania this year, having received a grant from the League of Nations Malaria Commission. I have just received the enclosed from the secretary of Jassy University. May I have permission to have it noted on my personal file please?
I am, Sir,
Yrs. obediantly,
[separate hand:
‘Mr Rucker.
I have spoken to you of the excellent work Mr Shute is doing but it is gratifying to have this recognition of it from as far afield as Rumania [sic].
T.C. 14/9/37.’]
[attached to above:
Societatea de Medici So Naturalisti Din Iasi to P.G. Shute, 15th Aug. 1937.
‘Dear Mr. Shute,
It is a pleasure to inform you that, in recognition of your scientific achievements and of the personal interest which you have shown in promoting the improvement in the teaching and practice of malaria research in Romania, the “Societatea de Medici So Naturalisti din Iasi,[“] elected you Membre. Corresp. Etrang. at the 28th June 1937 meeting.-
President, Prof. Dr. L. Ballif.
Executive Sectretarty, Dr. I. Alexa.’]
[attached with above:
A. Nevil Rucker to T. Carnwath, 20th Sept. 1937.
‘Dr. Carnwath,
I am very pleased to see this. A copy of the letter from the Jassy University has been placed on Mr. Shute’s personal file.
A. Nevil Rucker.’]
Sent to
Thomas Carnwath
12 Aug 1937
Description:‘Dear Sir,
As on two previous occasions, I spent some of my annual leave on a study tour in Romania this year, having received a grant from the League of Nations Malaria Commission. I have just received the enclosed from the secretary of Jassy University. May I have permission to have it noted on my personal file please?
I am, Sir,
Yrs. obediantly,
[separate hand:
‘Mr Rucker.
I have spoken to you of the excellent work Mr Shute is doing but it is gratifying to have this recognition of it from as far afield as Rumania [sic].
T.C. 14/9/37.’]
[attached to above:
Societatea de Medici So Naturalisti Din Iasi to P.G. Shute, 15th Aug. 1937.
‘Dear Mr. Shute,
It is a pleasure to inform you that, in recognition of your scientific achievements and of the personal interest which you have shown in promoting the improvement in the teaching and practice of malaria research in Romania, the “Societatea de Medici So Naturalisti din Iasi,[“] elected you Membre. Corresp. Etrang. at the 28th June 1937 meeting.-
President, Prof. Dr. L. Ballif.
Executive Sectretarty, Dr. I. Alexa.’]
[attached with above:
A. Nevil Rucker to T. Carnwath, 20th Sept. 1937.
‘Dr. Carnwath,
I am very pleased to see this. A copy of the letter from the Jassy University has been placed on Mr. Shute’s personal file.
A. Nevil Rucker.’]