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Sent From (Definite): Sir William Wilson JamesonSent To (Definite): Thomas CarnwathDate: 19 Jul 1937
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Holder (Definite): The National Archives (UK)
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Sent from
Sir William Wilson Jameson
19 Jul 1937
Description:‘Dear Dr. Carnwath,
As I daresay you know, Professor J.G. Thomson is still under treatment in the Hospital for Tropical Diseases and is not likely to be available for duty in your laboratory at Horton Mental Hospital during the month of August. Colonel Sinton will be going on leave during that month and I have ascertained that Sir Rickard Christophers will be in London and prepared to act for Professor Thomson and Colonel Sinton. I hope this arrangement will prove satisfactory to you.
Yours sincerely,
W.W. Jameson.’
Sent to
Thomas Carnwath
19 Jul 1937
Description:‘Dear Dr. Carnwath,
As I daresay you know, Professor J.G. Thomson is still under treatment in the Hospital for Tropical Diseases and is not likely to be available for duty in your laboratory at Horton Mental Hospital during the month of August. Colonel Sinton will be going on leave during that month and I have ascertained that Sir Rickard Christophers will be in London and prepared to act for Professor Thomson and Colonel Sinton. I hope this arrangement will prove satisfactory to you.
Yours sincerely,
W.W. Jameson.’