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Sent From (Definite): H. M. FramptonSent To (Definite): Thomas CarnwathDate: 15 Apr 1935
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Sent from
H. M. Frampton
15 Apr 1935
Description:‘Dr. Carnwath.
An estimate of our annual expenditure on Horton is attached. No expenditure in respect of Colonel James’ time and travelling expense has been included as we have no information on which we could allocate the expenditure. His full consolidated salary is £1,261.19s. and his travelling expenses have averaged £38 the last two years.
We have not a complete record of our expenditure on equipment, but since 1929 it has totalled £965, including £80 expenditure in 1933-4 on structural alterations.
H.M. Frampton. 15th[?] April 1935.’
‘Estimate of Annual Cost of Horton Laboratory to the Ministry (apart from Colonel James’ time and travelling expenses).
(a) Salaries and Wages (full consolidated)
(i) Established First Class Laboratory Assistant.) £215.3.0
15% for Superannuation 32.5.6
(ii) Two Temporary Laboratory Assistants (£2.10 per week)) 260.16.8
Insurance 7.0.0.
(b) Travelling Expenses.
(i) Laboratory Assistants 200. (approx.)
(ii) Dr. Nichol of Horton Hospital. 25. (approx.)
(c) Arrangement with Pig Keeper. Isle of Graine for supply of Mosquitoes 12.0.0.
(d) Equipment (estimate based on 6 years actual expenditure). 145
Total. £897.5.2.’
Sent to
Thomas Carnwath
15 Apr 1935
Description:‘Dr. Carnwath.
An estimate of our annual expenditure on Horton is attached. No expenditure in respect of Colonel James’ time and travelling expense has been included as we have no information on which we could allocate the expenditure. His full consolidated salary is £1,261.19s. and his travelling expenses have averaged £38 the last two years.
We have not a complete record of our expenditure on equipment, but since 1929 it has totalled £965, including £80 expenditure in 1933-4 on structural alterations.
H.M. Frampton. 15th[?] April 1935.’
‘Estimate of Annual Cost of Horton Laboratory to the Ministry (apart from Colonel James’ time and travelling expenses).
(a) Salaries and Wages (full consolidated)
(i) Established First Class Laboratory Assistant.) £215.3.0
15% for Superannuation 32.5.6
(ii) Two Temporary Laboratory Assistants (£2.10 per week)) 260.16.8
Insurance 7.0.0.
(b) Travelling Expenses.
(i) Laboratory Assistants 200. (approx.)
(ii) Dr. Nichol of Horton Hospital. 25. (approx.)
(c) Arrangement with Pig Keeper. Isle of Graine for supply of Mosquitoes 12.0.0.
(d) Equipment (estimate based on 6 years actual expenditure). 145
Total. £897.5.2.’