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Creator (Definite): Sydney Price JamesDate: 19 Apr 1928
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Holder (Definite): The National Archives (UK)
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Sydney Price James
19 Apr 1928
Description:‘As arranged by Sir George Buchanan, I met Mr. Brock and Dr. Bond at the Office of the Board of Control this morning, the 19th April. The questions discussed were:
(1) Dr. Meagher’s Report. Mr. Brock said that the Board of Control will publish this with an historical introduction by Dr. Bond. Dr. Bond is anxious that there should be no earlier publication of the results of the inquiry elsewhere. Therefore it was agreed to refrain from giving a summary of them at the forthcoming meeting of the Office International d’Hygiene Publique.
(2) Proposal for Dr. Meagher to visit Vienna. Dr. Bond had noticed Wagner-Juaregg’s statement (reproduced in Dr. Meagher’s report) to the effect that in the Vienna clinic “deaths from malaria have ceased to occur”. As this is contrary to average English experience, he wishes to ascertain what special measures may be adopted in Vienna to combat the acknowledged risk. Mr. Brock supported the view that Dr. Meagher should visit Vienna to ascertain the practice in this respect (as well as to enquire into some other matters which emerge from Dr. Meagher’s report) and both he and Dr. Bond are desirous that I should accompany Dr. Meagher on this visit, which is not expected to last many days. As the special point referred to relates to malaria, I agreed that I would be willing to go if our Ministry has no objection and is prepared to allow the travelling expenses.
(3) Permanent arrangements for the treatment. Dr. Bond feels sure that the L.C.C. will agree to almost any plan proposed by the Board provided that it will not involve the L.C.C. in expense. The Board is not inclined to favour the idea of collecting all patients in a central hospital for treatment, as such a plan would deprive keen superintendents of the opportunity of carrying out the treatment themselves. We agreed that, whatever arrangements are made, a necessary preliminary is to place the arrangements at Horton on a permanent basis and that the requirements for this purpose are as stated in my note, namely:
(1) to increase the number of patients treated at Horton,
(2) to increase the laboratory arrangements and subordinate staff,
(3) to provide a whole-time medical officer.
Discussion was chiefly on the question as to what Department should be responsible for providing the medical officer & subordinate staff, and as to how to obtain their salary etc. I understood Dr. Bond to favour an endeavour to get the L.C.C. to second Dr. Nicol permanently, but that plan would not overcome the difficulty of paying a substitute for him. At present the substitute is paid out of the Ministry’s Scientific Fund.
The question was left more or less in the air, but Mr. Brock said that he would take an early opportunity to discuss the problem personally with Mr. Leggett.
S.P. James.
19th April 1928.’