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Sent From (Definite): Percy George ShuteSent To (Definite): Sir Rickard ChristophersDate: 31 Oct 1932
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Holder (Definite): Wellcome Library
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Sent from
Percy George Shute
31 Oct 1932
Description:‘Dear Sir Richard,
I expect Miss Williams told you that on Thursday I fed 15 A. maculipennis on the monkey. After you left us I found a few male gametocytes, not more than 10 per cmm. I have today dissected the mosquito and was unable to find any oocysts. We know from past experience that with B.T. the borderline for infection is about 8 males and 8 females per cmm. Of course before we can say maculipennis is not a carrier, further feeding will be necessary but I thought that as I had the mosquitoes with me it was worth while doing this little experiment. As soon as the gametocytes increase I should like to bring up some more mosquitoes and repeat the feeding experiment.
I am Sir,
Yours faithfully, P.G. Shute.’
Sent to
Sir Rickard Christophers
31 Oct 1932
Description:‘Dear Sir Richard,
I expect Miss Williams told you that on Thursday I fed 15 A. maculipennis on the monkey. After you left us I found a few male gametocytes, not more than 10 per cmm. I have today dissected the mosquito and was unable to find any oocysts. We know from past experience that with B.T. the borderline for infection is about 8 males and 8 females per cmm. Of course before we can say maculipennis is not a carrier, further feeding will be necessary but I thought that as I had the mosquitoes with me it was worth while doing this little experiment. As soon as the gametocytes increase I should like to bring up some more mosquitoes and repeat the feeding experiment.
I am Sir,
Yours faithfully, P.G. Shute.’