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Sent From (Definite): Karl PearsonSent To (Definite): Sir Francis GaltonDate: 19 Nov 1905
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Karl Pearson
19 Nov 1905
Could you get from the government stud the colours of the offspring of all chestnut stallions crossed with chestnut mares? This would help both Weldon & myself. The cross chestnut x chestnut is said never to produce anything but chestnut. I looked up 135 mares & found 8 cases in which chestnut x chestnut gave bay or brown. But I should like further evidence.
Sent to
Sir Francis Galton
19 Nov 1905
Could you get from the government stud the colours of the offspring of all chestnut stallions crossed with chestnut mares? This would help both Weldon & myself. The cross chestnut x chestnut is said never to produce anything but chestnut. I looked up 135 mares & found 8 cases in which chestnut x chestnut gave bay or brown. But I should like further evidence.