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Sent From (Definite): Karl PearsonSent To (Definite): Sir Francis GaltonDate: 7 Jun 1900
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Karl Pearson
7 Jun 1900
[re: Galton’s Egypt trip, new ed. of Grammar of Science]
Now that I know you are at home again, I will forward the Bassett Hounds & eye colour data, which I thought it better to keep till your return. I have done some more work on the latter, correlating fertility & eye-colour, there appears to be some correlation, but the homogeneous marriages do not apparently exhibit quarter fertility. I think I shall put this as a note into the paper on inheritance of colour in horses’ coats & men’s eyes the proof of which I have received today.
I feel very strongly the importance of testing the correlations of cousins. I believe that it would not be difficult to get the material if one asked characters not requiring measurement – cousins so rarely live together – say hair colour, eye colour, and smoothness or curliness of hair...’
Sent to
Sir Francis Galton
7 Jun 1900
[re: Galton’s Egypt trip, new ed. of Grammar of Science]
Now that I know you are at home again, I will forward the Bassett Hounds & eye colour data, which I thought it better to keep till your return. I have done some more work on the latter, correlating fertility & eye-colour, there appears to be some correlation, but the homogeneous marriages do not apparently exhibit quarter fertility. I think I shall put this as a note into the paper on inheritance of colour in horses’ coats & men’s eyes the proof of which I have received today.
I feel very strongly the importance of testing the correlations of cousins. I believe that it would not be difficult to get the material if one asked characters not requiring measurement – cousins so rarely live together – say hair colour, eye colour, and smoothness or curliness of hair...’