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- Correspondence Details
Sent From (Definite): Karl PearsonSent To (Definite): Sir Francis GaltonDate: 21 Nov 1899
- Current Holder(s)
Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Karl Pearson
21 Nov 1899
‘My dear Mr Galton,
Very many thanks for the Bassett Hound material safely received. How great is the labour put into these statistical papers & how little the casual reader knows of it!
I presume you would rather I should keep the material safely till your return than send it back when I have done with it.
Yours always sincerely,
Karl Pearson.’
[enclosed: data re: coat colour of Bassett Hounds]
Sent to
Sir Francis Galton
21 Nov 1899
‘My dear Mr Galton,
Very many thanks for the Bassett Hound material safely received. How great is the labour put into these statistical papers & how little the casual reader knows of it!
I presume you would rather I should keep the material safely till your return than send it back when I have done with it.
Yours always sincerely,
Karl Pearson.’
[enclosed: data re: coat colour of Bassett Hounds]