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Sent From (Definite): Karl PearsonSent To (Definite): Sir Francis GaltonDate: 29 Sep 1895
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Karl Pearson
29 Sep 1895
‘Dear Mr Galton,
I thought it would interest you to know that my letter to the Editor of the Field asking for information with regard to pedigree stock measurements has so far met with no reply either privately or in the two issues since of the newspaper. I fear there is nothing to be done in that direction. I wish you might be induced to write a letter to the ‘Times’ which I expect circulates as much as ‘The Field’ among large breeders, and headed it with some title such as “Pedigree Stock” which would catch their eye. If it failed to lead to the discovery of anything already done, it might suggest measurements for the future.
It is not use my writing, as even if Buckle put the letter in, my name would carry no weight.
Yours very truly,
Karl Pearson.’
Sent to
Sir Francis Galton
29 Sep 1895
‘Dear Mr Galton,
I thought it would interest you to know that my letter to the Editor of the Field asking for information with regard to pedigree stock measurements has so far met with no reply either privately or in the two issues since of the newspaper. I fear there is nothing to be done in that direction. I wish you might be induced to write a letter to the ‘Times’ which I expect circulates as much as ‘The Field’ among large breeders, and headed it with some title such as “Pedigree Stock” which would catch their eye. If it failed to lead to the discovery of anything already done, it might suggest measurements for the future.
It is not use my writing, as even if Buckle put the letter in, my name would carry no weight.
Yours very truly,
Karl Pearson.’