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Sent From (Definite): Edward NettleshipSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 6 Nov 1909
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Edward Nettleship
6 Nov 1909
‘My dear Pearson,
I suppose of course you have got Albinism mixed with Idiocy & Deafmutism by Dahl (1959)?
I come across it in my grind on Deafmutism. I only ask because I do not find Dahl in the preliminary proof of Bibliography (incomplete) that you sent long ago; probably added since.
My grind gives reference as –
“Dahl, Ludwig – Bidragtie Kundskab om de Sindsyge i Norge. Christiana 1859” and quotes the pedigree as follows;-
It is not either of Dahl’s peds: of Deafmutism in Treasury.’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
6 Nov 1909
‘My dear Pearson,
I suppose of course you have got Albinism mixed with Idiocy & Deafmutism by Dahl (1959)?
I come across it in my grind on Deafmutism. I only ask because I do not find Dahl in the preliminary proof of Bibliography (incomplete) that you sent long ago; probably added since.
My grind gives reference as –
“Dahl, Ludwig – Bidragtie Kundskab om de Sindsyge i Norge. Christiana 1859” and quotes the pedigree as follows;-
It is not either of Dahl’s peds: of Deafmutism in Treasury.’