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Sent From (Definite): Edward NettleshipSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 20 Sep 1909
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Edward Nettleship
20 Sep 1909
‘My dear Pearson,
Wee Ling provided for – good.
Tong – last time she was confined 31 Jan.: puppies weaned about 20 March (no exact date); & she came into season about 20th May & was loined 28th (& probably again 29th or 30th, ut I did not record the 2nd time); i.e. there were about 8 weeks between weaning & next loining.
The lady I got Tong from is Mrs Franklin, Noke, Islip (Oxon); Noke is I suppose the name of the house. – She has one of Tong’s January litter to be mated with a coloured dog as free as possible from kinship with Tong & albinism; that is her undertaking & the choice of dog is left to her.
Jack & Jill I ought from Mr James Rogers, Wykham Park, Banbury; he is butler to the owner Sir Robert Perks M.P. He (Rogers) is quite interested in things, but of course more from the fancy & fancy-price points of view. The ordinary attitude of the lady breeder seems to be “Oh, those horrid albinos”. He has just told me of a white Pekingese with black nose & dark eyes & I have asked him to put me in the way of finding out the pedigree; this is said a very rare variety & is valued.
Sent to
Karl Pearson
20 Sep 1909
‘My dear Pearson,
Wee Ling provided for – good.
Tong – last time she was confined 31 Jan.: puppies weaned about 20 March (no exact date); & she came into season about 20th May & was loined 28th (& probably again 29th or 30th, ut I did not record the 2nd time); i.e. there were about 8 weeks between weaning & next loining.
The lady I got Tong from is Mrs Franklin, Noke, Islip (Oxon); Noke is I suppose the name of the house. – She has one of Tong’s January litter to be mated with a coloured dog as free as possible from kinship with Tong & albinism; that is her undertaking & the choice of dog is left to her.
Jack & Jill I ought from Mr James Rogers, Wykham Park, Banbury; he is butler to the owner Sir Robert Perks M.P. He (Rogers) is quite interested in things, but of course more from the fancy & fancy-price points of view. The ordinary attitude of the lady breeder seems to be “Oh, those horrid albinos”. He has just told me of a white Pekingese with black nose & dark eyes & I have asked him to put me in the way of finding out the pedigree; this is said a very rare variety & is valued.