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Sent From (Definite): Edward NettleshipSent To: Karl PearsonDate: 3 Jul 1909
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Edward Nettleship
3 Jul 1909
Tong – Thank you: I have to be in London next week to give a lecture & will write again about bringing her. She had learnt manners long before we had her, & was quite clean when she lived in this house when we 1st had her last autumn. Then, to accommodate Jack & Jill, we had to put Tong by herself in the stable with a small enclosed run which we made & connected by a hole thro. the wall; & she has been there ever since for convenience; she always “does her does” in the run, never in her...’ [incomplete?]
Sent to
Karl Pearson
3 Jul 1909
Tong – Thank you: I have to be in London next week to give a lecture & will write again about bringing her. She had learnt manners long before we had her, & was quite clean when she lived in this house when we 1st had her last autumn. Then, to accommodate Jack & Jill, we had to put Tong by herself in the stable with a small enclosed run which we made & connected by a hole thro. the wall; & she has been there ever since for convenience; she always “does her does” in the run, never in her...’ [incomplete?]