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Sent From (Definite): Edward NettleshipSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 27 Mar 1909
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Edward Nettleship
27 Mar 1909
It is disappointing; but hardly surprising, about Magnus’s hares: why does he call them rabbits? or is it only his English.
I shall look at Mudge soon I hope. – It is amusing to hear Bulloch on Mudge. M. seems to be a sort of litigious india-rubber ball, always ready for a row & not minding what anybody says to him & never knowing when he is beaten; B. has stories of M. bringing “constant” actions against his milk-man or his butcher or someone, for bad goods or whatever it is, being beaten [&] having to pay both sides’ costs, but getting up smiling!
Yrs E. Nettleship.’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
27 Mar 1909
It is disappointing; but hardly surprising, about Magnus’s hares: why does he call them rabbits? or is it only his English.
I shall look at Mudge soon I hope. – It is amusing to hear Bulloch on Mudge. M. seems to be a sort of litigious india-rubber ball, always ready for a row & not minding what anybody says to him & never knowing when he is beaten; B. has stories of M. bringing “constant” actions against his milk-man or his butcher or someone, for bad goods or whatever it is, being beaten [&] having to pay both sides’ costs, but getting up smiling!
Yrs E. Nettleship.’