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Sent From (Definite): Edward NettleshipSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 21 Feb 1909
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Edward Nettleship
21 Feb 1909
Albino dogs – The 2nd bitch “Jill” had disappointed us; no puppies. She seemed enlarging &c. at one time but whether it was only fattening or foetuses that have died & not been expelled I don’t know. She is quite well & I propose to try her again in due time. – I have a fairly full pedigree, very complicated & wd. take about a day to get it properly drawn out & described & I can’t spare time just yet. The enclosed fragments will show how our dogs stand today.
I shall keep Jack & Jill & try again. They are both favourites apart from our problem.
Then Usher is willing or keen to take a pair, or ? 3, of Tong’s pups, say No’s 5 & 6 & 7, & carry on the experiment.
It may be useful to kill & examine one of the remaining 3, say No. 8, rather later, re[:] post-natal development of pigment & thickening of iris. – No. 4, ob. at birth [&] is in pickle.
“Tong” (No. 3) I shall not be able to keep because she quarrels with Jill & being much the bigger would soon kill Jill. – I don’t suppose Usher could take both her & her puppies. [It] Remains either to have her tried by Jack again & boarded out somewhere (do you know anyone yet?); or to use as a specimen. – The former is expensive & difficult; the latter goes against one’s feelings when one has been feeding & talking to her all this time. Any suggestions will be welcome. – I am of course quite able to give my feelings [on] this go by when necessary, being a “brutal doctor”.
Yrs, E. Nettleship.
I have seen Tong’s parents & know the colours of the parents of Jack & Jill.'
Sent to
Karl Pearson
21 Feb 1909
Albino dogs – The 2nd bitch “Jill” had disappointed us; no puppies. She seemed enlarging &c. at one time but whether it was only fattening or foetuses that have died & not been expelled I don’t know. She is quite well & I propose to try her again in due time. – I have a fairly full pedigree, very complicated & wd. take about a day to get it properly drawn out & described & I can’t spare time just yet. The enclosed fragments will show how our dogs stand today.
I shall keep Jack & Jill & try again. They are both favourites apart from our problem.
Then Usher is willing or keen to take a pair, or ? 3, of Tong’s pups, say No’s 5 & 6 & 7, & carry on the experiment.
It may be useful to kill & examine one of the remaining 3, say No. 8, rather later, re[:] post-natal development of pigment & thickening of iris. – No. 4, ob. at birth [&] is in pickle.
“Tong” (No. 3) I shall not be able to keep because she quarrels with Jill & being much the bigger would soon kill Jill. – I don’t suppose Usher could take both her & her puppies. [It] Remains either to have her tried by Jack again & boarded out somewhere (do you know anyone yet?); or to use as a specimen. – The former is expensive & difficult; the latter goes against one’s feelings when one has been feeding & talking to her all this time. Any suggestions will be welcome. – I am of course quite able to give my feelings [on] this go by when necessary, being a “brutal doctor”.
Yrs, E. Nettleship.
I have seen Tong’s parents & know the colours of the parents of Jack & Jill.'