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Sent From (Definite): Edward NettleshipSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 4 Nov 1908
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Edward Nettleship
4 Nov 1908
Dogs. Certainly, if either of us can succeed with them that will be for the best. I have got a certain amount of mixed advice from the owner & from one or two doggy people hereabout, & am quite prepared to find this task beyond me. You may rely on me letting you know if things seem threatening & I shall then turn them over to you if you are still willing. One won’t be able to decide anything till they have been here a little while. We have a fairly good dog Vet. i[n] H’mere. Yes – Yale lock.
Yrs E. Nettleship.
Distemper – I don’t know: of course if not it may go badly with them.’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
4 Nov 1908
Dogs. Certainly, if either of us can succeed with them that will be for the best. I have got a certain amount of mixed advice from the owner & from one or two doggy people hereabout, & am quite prepared to find this task beyond me. You may rely on me letting you know if things seem threatening & I shall then turn them over to you if you are still willing. One won’t be able to decide anything till they have been here a little while. We have a fairly good dog Vet. i[n] H’mere. Yes – Yale lock.
Yrs E. Nettleship.
Distemper – I don’t know: of course if not it may go badly with them.’