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Sent From (Definite): Edward NettleshipSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 4 Oct 1908
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Edward Nettleship
4 Oct 1908
I don’t see the point of attributing the bad sight to nerve centres (unless one counts the retina as part of the brain) when there is ample [evidence] to explain it in the eye itself. Nor is there any reason to invoke disease of the 3rd nerve centre as the cause of this form of nystagmus. One knows quite well that disease of [the] 3rd N. centre often occurs without having produced nystagmus of any kind.
The question of pigmtn. of nerve centres should no doubt be gone into, but by physiologists & neurology-pathologists. I hope you will not wait for that before bringing out the memoir. I thought the deafness of these cats was from something awry[?] with the end-organ, corresponding to retina, but I have not seen the recent paper about it, & you have I know.
Sent to
Karl Pearson
4 Oct 1908
I don’t see the point of attributing the bad sight to nerve centres (unless one counts the retina as part of the brain) when there is ample [evidence] to explain it in the eye itself. Nor is there any reason to invoke disease of the 3rd nerve centre as the cause of this form of nystagmus. One knows quite well that disease of [the] 3rd N. centre often occurs without having produced nystagmus of any kind.
The question of pigmtn. of nerve centres should no doubt be gone into, but by physiologists & neurology-pathologists. I hope you will not wait for that before bringing out the memoir. I thought the deafness of these cats was from something awry[?] with the end-organ, corresponding to retina, but I have not seen the recent paper about it, & you have I know.