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Sent From (Definite): Edward NettleshipSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 2 Apr 1907
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Edward Nettleship
2 Apr 1907
... The extraordinary thing about the congenital piebalds is that, though several of the early cases seem genuine & all modern authors say such cases are common or not common &c., no modern author gives modern cases & none that I have written to (several Dermatologists & others here, in America, India, China and Africa[)] have ever seen a case. About a fortnight ago I wrote to some two dozen English Drs. practicing in various West Indian islands: we shall get replies in time enough, from some at any rate.
Sent to
Karl Pearson
2 Apr 1907
... The extraordinary thing about the congenital piebalds is that, though several of the early cases seem genuine & all modern authors say such cases are common or not common &c., no modern author gives modern cases & none that I have written to (several Dermatologists & others here, in America, India, China and Africa[)] have ever seen a case. About a fortnight ago I wrote to some two dozen English Drs. practicing in various West Indian islands: we shall get replies in time enough, from some at any rate.