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Sent From (Definite): Karl PearsonSent To (Definite): Edward NettleshipDate: 14 Apr 1913
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Karl Pearson
14 Apr 1913
[hair combings from dogs Hansel & Gretel enclosed]
This week I expect the first litter from two brindle-red dogs. It will be of great interest, for these red dogs have come out of the black pom & white pek. & appear to be a reversion to the pek. Will they breed true? No hybrid black we have yet tried has bred true, they give albinos & red as well as black, i.e. there appears so far no black dominant. Is there a red dominant? I don’t expect it for pure white pek. x extracted red ought to give reds only if red were dominant, but it gives albinos & reds & brindles, so far no black. It does not look as if we could get a black out of anything but a black & no black at present appears to breed true. Hence the mating brindle red x brindle red will be exciting. The curious part is that in none of these dogs do we get a reversion to the genuine Pekingese nose, they appear all intermediate & rather ugly noses.
I have bought, aided by Usher, the beautiful little Pek. with one dark brown & one blue eye & am mating her with her Father in hopes of perpetuating the blue eye & dark coat. If this does not succeed we will try her with an albino.
Sent to
Edward Nettleship
14 Apr 1913
[hair combings from dogs Hansel & Gretel enclosed]
This week I expect the first litter from two brindle-red dogs. It will be of great interest, for these red dogs have come out of the black pom & white pek. & appear to be a reversion to the pek. Will they breed true? No hybrid black we have yet tried has bred true, they give albinos & red as well as black, i.e. there appears so far no black dominant. Is there a red dominant? I don’t expect it for pure white pek. x extracted red ought to give reds only if red were dominant, but it gives albinos & reds & brindles, so far no black. It does not look as if we could get a black out of anything but a black & no black at present appears to breed true. Hence the mating brindle red x brindle red will be exciting. The curious part is that in none of these dogs do we get a reversion to the genuine Pekingese nose, they appear all intermediate & rather ugly noses.
I have bought, aided by Usher, the beautiful little Pek. with one dark brown & one blue eye & am mating her with her Father in hopes of perpetuating the blue eye & dark coat. If this does not succeed we will try her with an albino.