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Sent From (Definite): Karl PearsonSent To (Definite): Edward NettleshipDate: 6 Aug 1911
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Karl Pearson
6 Aug 1911
‘My dear Nettleship,
I enclose Usher’s letter with Pek-pom cross notes. Wee Tong is doing her mothership excellently as far as I can see after a little preliminary difficulty with a non-flowing teat. She is snappy to all except my daughter & I who feed her, and we can’t do much with handling puppies or putting bedding straight yet. We have christened the ♂ Yang ren, “foreign devil” and the ♀ Tin lo, “heaven’s venerable” two Chinese words for albinos.
I think we have done about as much as is possible with albino x albino. The only point I should like to try would have been your coloured pups together or with a white bitch. Is there any one of these still accessible? When a bitch comes on again a great effort should be made in this direction. Otherwise I think we should now cross with normal pekinese [sic], or with dogs of other breeds. This should be arranged systematically if possible. I am writing to enquire whether Lapidge will draw sections from Coats’ slides of Tong’s x the negro albino’s eye[s].
Yours very sincerely,
Karl Pearson.’
Sent to
Edward Nettleship
6 Aug 1911
‘My dear Nettleship,
I enclose Usher’s letter with Pek-pom cross notes. Wee Tong is doing her mothership excellently as far as I can see after a little preliminary difficulty with a non-flowing teat. She is snappy to all except my daughter & I who feed her, and we can’t do much with handling puppies or putting bedding straight yet. We have christened the ♂ Yang ren, “foreign devil” and the ♀ Tin lo, “heaven’s venerable” two Chinese words for albinos.
I think we have done about as much as is possible with albino x albino. The only point I should like to try would have been your coloured pups together or with a white bitch. Is there any one of these still accessible? When a bitch comes on again a great effort should be made in this direction. Otherwise I think we should now cross with normal pekinese [sic], or with dogs of other breeds. This should be arranged systematically if possible. I am writing to enquire whether Lapidge will draw sections from Coats’ slides of Tong’s x the negro albino’s eye[s].
Yours very sincerely,
Karl Pearson.’