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Sent From (Definite): Karl PearsonSent To (Definite): Edward NettleshipDate: 25 Jul 1910
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Karl Pearson
25 Jul 1910
[re: amendments to Albinism proof:]
I want to ask whether all the eye data for animals had better go in VIII or XI. Also ought we not to have a section on these dogs? To my mind they approach much nearer to man than do mice, in that the albinism seems to have far more grades. At the same time I think it possible that it is because we have studied the man & dog more closely. I had already drawn your attention to the variation in pigment of eye of albinotic mouse.
You say the “perfect albino” is the beast in which the eye structures are entirely devoid of pigment (p. 1) but the Japanese mouse has perfectly albinotic eyes& is a piebald. It is the case we have looked for in man.
Yours very sincerely,
Karl Pearson.’
Sent to
Edward Nettleship
25 Jul 1910
[re: amendments to Albinism proof:]
I want to ask whether all the eye data for animals had better go in VIII or XI. Also ought we not to have a section on these dogs? To my mind they approach much nearer to man than do mice, in that the albinism seems to have far more grades. At the same time I think it possible that it is because we have studied the man & dog more closely. I had already drawn your attention to the variation in pigment of eye of albinotic mouse.
You say the “perfect albino” is the beast in which the eye structures are entirely devoid of pigment (p. 1) but the Japanese mouse has perfectly albinotic eyes& is a piebald. It is the case we have looked for in man.
Yours very sincerely,
Karl Pearson.’