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Sent From (Definite): Edward NettleshipSent To (Definite): Karl Pearson
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Edward Nettleship
‘My dear Pearson,
1) X-raying...
2) Mudge – I have seen Spicer. He & his wife both confirm the impression that I brought away from them last autumn, viz: that Mudge was going from Skye to a small island between Skye & the mainland, called Sealfray[?] (?spelling) to hunt up an albinotic family of which he had information & that your name wasmentioned in connexion with the case or at any rate with the subject: the Spicers evidently thought at the time that Mudge was doing the case for you, though they cannot say precisely how the matter was put. It was this that made me ask some time ago whether you had Mudge’s case, or to that effect.
I hope you will find out something from him.
I shd. say that the Spicers left Skye before Mudge went to Sealfray or at any rate they never heard the result.
Yrs Sincerely,
E. Nettleship.
I return to Hindhead tomorrow.’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
‘My dear Pearson,
1) X-raying...
2) Mudge – I have seen Spicer. He & his wife both confirm the impression that I brought away from them last autumn, viz: that Mudge was going from Skye to a small island between Skye & the mainland, called Sealfray[?] (?spelling) to hunt up an albinotic family of which he had information & that your name wasmentioned in connexion with the case or at any rate with the subject: the Spicers evidently thought at the time that Mudge was doing the case for you, though they cannot say precisely how the matter was put. It was this that made me ask some time ago whether you had Mudge’s case, or to that effect.
I hope you will find out something from him.
I shd. say that the Spicers left Skye before Mudge went to Sealfray or at any rate they never heard the result.
Yrs Sincerely,
E. Nettleship.
I return to Hindhead tomorrow.’