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Sent From (Definite): Sir George Dancer ThaneSent To: Karl PearsonDate: 20 Nov 1896
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Sir George Dancer Thane
20 Nov 1896
‘My dear Pearson,
I shall not be here tomorrow forenoon, but that is quite exceptional. It is the only Saturday that I shall be away during the term.
I am sorry that I cannot tell what you mean by “the root of the cheek bone”: it looks from the sketch like the “panto[?]-ulular[?] junction,” i.e. where these two bones meet. If so I should say the index is a bad one- the character you want to get at is exactly expressed by the frontal index – i.e. maximum frontal diameter: minimum frontal diameter – min. f.d. x 100/max. f.d.
The maximum frontal diameter is nearly the same as the listephanic[?], often identical. The minimal frontal diameter is between the nearest points of the temporal ridges, which arch upward on the bone about the [illeg.] which joins the molar[?].
As to the capacities I cannot give you any information. It is odd that Yule cannot tell you, for whatever has been done has been done. The only thing that I know about it is that he broke my measure, and informed me of it in a very airy fashion, and thereby but a stop to my doing anything of this sort during the vacation. I cannot get another measure of the right size. I have had two [illeg.] made, but they are no good. Whatever records there are are of course at your disposal – I will look when I come back on Monday.
I shall be very pleased to look to any points in your paper as to which you think I can be of service.
Yours very truly,
G.D. Thane.’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
20 Nov 1896
‘My dear Pearson,
I shall not be here tomorrow forenoon, but that is quite exceptional. It is the only Saturday that I shall be away during the term.
I am sorry that I cannot tell what you mean by “the root of the cheek bone”: it looks from the sketch like the “panto[?]-ulular[?] junction,” i.e. where these two bones meet. If so I should say the index is a bad one- the character you want to get at is exactly expressed by the frontal index – i.e. maximum frontal diameter: minimum frontal diameter – min. f.d. x 100/max. f.d.
The maximum frontal diameter is nearly the same as the listephanic[?], often identical. The minimal frontal diameter is between the nearest points of the temporal ridges, which arch upward on the bone about the [illeg.] which joins the molar[?].
As to the capacities I cannot give you any information. It is odd that Yule cannot tell you, for whatever has been done has been done. The only thing that I know about it is that he broke my measure, and informed me of it in a very airy fashion, and thereby but a stop to my doing anything of this sort during the vacation. I cannot get another measure of the right size. I have had two [illeg.] made, but they are no good. Whatever records there are are of course at your disposal – I will look when I come back on Monday.
I shall be very pleased to look to any points in your paper as to which you think I can be of service.
Yours very truly,
G.D. Thane.’