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Sent From (Definite): Sir William Matthew Flinders PetrieSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 13 Aug 1895
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie
13 Aug 1895
‘My dear Pearson,
Many thanks for your notes. It is satisfactory to find a well marked peculiarity of the N.R. [i.e. New Race] to work from. The very small variability points to the homogeneity of the race, which is another good result. But how can you expect a long-head to agree to your suggestion of round heads being the only capable folks? I prefer to point the finger of scorn at the round headed Malays 806, Andanese 821, & American Ondian 839; & take my stand with the Ancient Egyptians than the ancient Anglo Saxons & the Scandinavians. Seriously, I suspect that long heads point to a recent growth of capacity in the race, height & length increasing more readily than width: while round heads mean a fused race or one which has regained a more economic form of skull since its expansion, in short a uniformity of capacity for some ages, be it high or low.
I would suggest to you to take Jarrow’s[?] measures of the Medium skulls (abstracts in Brit. Assoc. 1889?). His general result was that those bodies shewed a mixture of Negro & European type. The presumption is that they were a cross of Negro & New Race. Are their values intermediate between these, in the skulls? In any case they represent the lower class of Egyptian of the earliest historic age.
I should give very little care to Monk’s[?] result. They are probably such a hopeless jumble of ll ages & races in Egypt that it is useless to look for more than a general indication of the bulk-race or climate in such material.
I am glad to hear that the Anatomical Gallery may be used. Only I must look to the weight as two or three tons is in question.
Yours sincerely,
W.M. Flinders Petrie.’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
13 Aug 1895
‘My dear Pearson,
Many thanks for your notes. It is satisfactory to find a well marked peculiarity of the N.R. [i.e. New Race] to work from. The very small variability points to the homogeneity of the race, which is another good result. But how can you expect a long-head to agree to your suggestion of round heads being the only capable folks? I prefer to point the finger of scorn at the round headed Malays 806, Andanese 821, & American Ondian 839; & take my stand with the Ancient Egyptians than the ancient Anglo Saxons & the Scandinavians. Seriously, I suspect that long heads point to a recent growth of capacity in the race, height & length increasing more readily than width: while round heads mean a fused race or one which has regained a more economic form of skull since its expansion, in short a uniformity of capacity for some ages, be it high or low.
I would suggest to you to take Jarrow’s[?] measures of the Medium skulls (abstracts in Brit. Assoc. 1889?). His general result was that those bodies shewed a mixture of Negro & European type. The presumption is that they were a cross of Negro & New Race. Are their values intermediate between these, in the skulls? In any case they represent the lower class of Egyptian of the earliest historic age.
I should give very little care to Monk’s[?] result. They are probably such a hopeless jumble of ll ages & races in Egypt that it is useless to look for more than a general indication of the bulk-race or climate in such material.
I am glad to hear that the Anatomical Gallery may be used. Only I must look to the weight as two or three tons is in question.
Yours sincerely,
W.M. Flinders Petrie.’