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Sent From (Definite): Arthur Edwin BoycottSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 21 Nov 1927
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Arthur Edwin Boycott
21 Nov 1927
‘Dear Professor Pearson,
As far as I can make out, your specimen is one of phosphatic calculi in a diventiculum of the bladder which has arisen either as a developmental anomaly or as the result of inflammation. Cystitis is I believe not uncommon in dogs.
Given a diverticulum of this kind with a narrow neck, stones would nearly always ensue. How to prevent inflammation I do not know but abundant water to drink is an obvious suggestion & McCarrison[?] has just noticed that an addition of milk to the diet prevents the formation of phosphate calculi in laboratory rats.
Yours sincerely,
A.E. Baycott.’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
21 Nov 1927
‘Dear Professor Pearson,
As far as I can make out, your specimen is one of phosphatic calculi in a diventiculum of the bladder which has arisen either as a developmental anomaly or as the result of inflammation. Cystitis is I believe not uncommon in dogs.
Given a diverticulum of this kind with a narrow neck, stones would nearly always ensue. How to prevent inflammation I do not know but abundant water to drink is an obvious suggestion & McCarrison[?] has just noticed that an addition of milk to the diet prevents the formation of phosphate calculi in laboratory rats.
Yours sincerely,
A.E. Baycott.’