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Sent From (Definite): Karl PearsonSent To (Definite): Edward NettleshipDate: 1 Jul 1911
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Karl Pearson
1 Jul 1911
‘My dear Nettleship,
Going through the albinism material to be taken away with me I find the enclosed [Barrington correspondence], which I return to you. I think Miss Barrington sent you particulars of Miss Carter’s dogs? I should like to get another section of the Albinism out before X mas. I should have got on further with it, only the Dwarfism section of the Treasury has taken up all my energies, and I am not yet out of my difficulties. My writer of the section is intractable & has landed me with an M.S. already in type unfortunately of which large parts I now find are verbatim translations of French & German works. I don’t know what line to take!
I hope to have more leisure for research, as I have settled to accept the Galton Chair & resigned the past I have held for 27 years. I hope it is right, but I fear it will not be a very peaceful old age sinecure!
Always yours sincerely,'
Karl Pearson.
Sent to
Edward Nettleship
1 Jul 1911
‘My dear Nettleship,
Going through the albinism material to be taken away with me I find the enclosed [Barrington correspondence], which I return to you. I think Miss Barrington sent you particulars of Miss Carter’s dogs? I should like to get another section of the Albinism out before X mas. I should have got on further with it, only the Dwarfism section of the Treasury has taken up all my energies, and I am not yet out of my difficulties. My writer of the section is intractable & has landed me with an M.S. already in type unfortunately of which large parts I now find are verbatim translations of French & German works. I don’t know what line to take!
I hope to have more leisure for research, as I have settled to accept the Galton Chair & resigned the past I have held for 27 years. I hope it is right, but I fear it will not be a very peaceful old age sinecure!
Always yours sincerely,'
Karl Pearson.